Trish McKean Fitness

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CHIPOTLE Hummus Scramble

Let's be honest a scramble is so 2017. Why not spice it up with some Chipotle Hummus? Anyone?!!? Chipotle + Hummus + Eggs = BOOM. 


1 egg

1 egg white

2 TBSP chipotle hummus (or any hummus of your choice)

5 cherry tomatoes (or any veggies of your choice)

2 TBSP almond milk

1/2 sliced avocado

1 handful spinach

1 tsp chili oil (or hot sauce of your choice)

1 tsp Borsari salt

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HOW YA DO IT (almost too easy to explain)

  1. Saute the spinach + tomatoes in the chili oil.
  2. Whisk together the egg, egg white, hummus, almond milk + Borsari salts.
  3. Add the egg mixture to the pan with veggies and scramble until the eggs are cooked to your liking.
  4. Add avocado on top and eat up buttercup! 

 SO 2018!