Your Travel Buddy in 2018...


Ankle bands are the perfect on-the-go workout tool. Whenever I travel, I try to make it a point to get a workout in. Whether it's going for a run or hitting up the the hotel gym, I try my hardest to get in a quick sweat sesh. The issue is that you never know what resources you are going to have at a hotel gym or if your hotel even has a fitness center. For this reason, I always pack my ankle bands.

Here's why...

  • Easy to pack
  • Multiple levels of resistance
  • Great for cardio + toning
  • The workouts you can do are endless
  • Easy on the joints
  • You can use these just about anywhere
  • Cheap and easy to purchase online (click here)


Another thing to note is that the time-frame for working out with a baby can be very limited. When I had zero time or energy to go to the gym after I had Claire, I would use my ankle bands at home. It was the perfect way to release some stress, get a sweat in and honestly wake up after a night of little sleep.

These were also a life-saver throughout my pregnancy. I know I sound ridiculous, but on days that I was not feeling my pregnant body or just feeling extra bloated (is that even possible?), I would use my bands at home and dodge working out in public. The bands are a perfect low-impact workout tool for pregnant women. I actually hand these to my clients in my Shred415 classes when everyone else is doing bicycle crunches or ab work.

The very best part about these ankle bands is that you can do a total body workout targeting your...

  • Upper Body
  • Lower Body
  • Core + Pelvic Floor